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55.35% ABV, 750 ml, Origin: Kentucky and Tennessee
Robb Report January 2023: Peyton Manning's Latest Bourbon is a Celebrity Whiskey actually worth buying.
Number 11# Whiskey Advocate Top 20 Whiskies of 2022
"This blend of bourbons from Kentucky and Tennessee leads with vanilla pound cake, sweet cream, and breakfast pastries, balanced by some toasted oak and earthy over-steeped tea. With each sip, it shows evolution. The sweet, vanilla-led notes continue on the palate, but grow in nuttiness and fruitiness, adding peanut butter and jelly, berry compote, and baking spice. While the whiskey leads with sweetness, it’s well balanced and offsets the sweet with tannic oak and black tea with milk. —Shane English"
Bottle Size: All bottles are 750ML unless otherwise noted.
21 and Over: Adult Signature Required
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