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500 ml, 100% Dornfelder
Celebrate Christmas with Fritz Windisch’s Weihnachts Wein (“Christmas Wine”). Easy drinking wines perfect for celebrating the season. Sweet flavors of cherries and plums are followed by smooth tannins.
As far back as 1780, the Windisch family has lived in the village of Mommenheim near Nierstein and Mainz. Fritz Windisch was the first to start estate-bottling wine in the 1920s. Now his son Guenter carries on the family tradition.
Typical vineyard soils in Rheinhessen is loess which can be considered the most typical parent rock in this area. Wind-borne sands are found in the Rhine Valley near Alsheim, Mettenheim, Gimbsheim, Guntersblum and on the northern edge of the Rheinhessen plateau between Mainz and Ingelheim.
Collections: All Festive Gifting Ideas German Wine Wine
Bottle Size: All bottles are 750ML unless otherwise noted.
21 and Over: Adult Signature Required
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