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44.5% ABV, 700 ml, by Playboy Spirits
"An exceptional Canadian Whiskey imported and aged for 30 years creating a complex, dynamic whisky with worldly characteristics.
Finished in Pineau Des Charentes casks, a delicate regional aperitif of western France, which has recently exploded on the high-end cocktail scene. The complex whiskey with layers of flavors and history is perfectly rounded with the delicate finish of fresh grapes and eau-de-vie from Maritime France.”
Delicate and sweet, vanilla bean, golden raisin, dandelion, honeycomb, and bee pollen.
Browned butter and sugar, serrano chile, beachwood, young coconut, anise, Colombian walnut, and gentian root.
A gorgeous transformation with notes of banana peel, mellow Martinique rhum, and plantains.
Collections: All Bourbon Whiskey Canadian Whiskey Spirits Whiskey
Bottle Size: All bottles are 750ML unless otherwise noted.
21 and Over: Adult Signature Required
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