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47% ABV, 700 ml, Espadin and Tobasichi
"A legacy of the era when Mezcal production was illegal in Oaxaca, this Ancestral Limited Release rescues a García family tradition that had been forgotten for over forty years—distilled in clay pots. Distillation tube made from quiote (flowering stalk of agave plants) instead of metal. In the 1960s and 1970s, Don Lencho - Silverio García's father - would use hollowed-out quiote instead of copper tubes to evade the military that would come and seize his distillation equipment by force.
Taste a bit of Mexican history from a bygone era by partaking in this unique mezcal tradition from the García family in Rancho Blanco Güilá, Oaxaca, available for the first time in the United States."
Collections: All MEZCAL Mezcal Ensamble Mezcal Espadín Mezcal Tobasiche Spirits
Bottle Size: All bottles are 750ML unless otherwise noted.
21 and Over: Adult Signature Required
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