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40% ABV, 750 ml
"AWARD WINNING ENEMIGO 00, rests undisturbed for over three years, taking in the rich flavours and deep colours from the custom-made American Oak barrels.
Continually throughout the ageing process our Maestro Tequilero tests and checks how the liquid is progressing to ensure that it is perfect when it is eventually taken out of the casks. The ageing process for us, unlike other tequilas, is as monitored as any scientific endeavour. The result at the end is a perfectly balanced tequila with a diverse array of flavours. Enemigo 00 is only produced in limited quantities making every sip something special.
Enemigo 00 (zero-zero) was named as the liquid was flawless from its inception."
Collections: All Spirits Tequila Tequila Extra Anejo
Bottle Size: All bottles are 750ML unless otherwise noted.
21 and Over: Adult Signature Required
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