Grand Old Parr Aged 18 Years Blended Scotch Whisky


40% ABV, 750 ml

"Old Parr 18 is the smoothest whisky from the Old Parr House. A perfectly crafted blend of our finest aged Scotch whiskies create an extraordinary taste experience bursting with complex and robust flavors. Every batch of Old Parr 18 is crafted in the heart of Scotland using the rarest and most characterful malts from Cragganmore in its blend. The unique notes of Cragganmore malts reveal themselves extraordinarily, thanks to the low presence of smoke in Old Parr 18’s blend. The result is a complex, full-flavored and yet smooth whisky of unparalleled quality."

Bottle Size: All bottles are 750ML unless otherwise noted.

21 and Over: Adult Signature Required

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