750 ml
Californian Botanicals
This new uniquely Californian gin is the brain child of Chef and Culinary TV Personality Marsh Mohktari. He set out to make a one of a kind London Dry style gin that exhibited the wonderful bounties of the great State of California. Using the majestic Gray Whale and its migratory path along the 800+ miles of California coast as a symbol for the diversity of ingredients foraged and farmed from local sources, they capture the essence of both our great state and what drinking gin is all about, having fun!
But Marsh isn't just about having a good time. He's committed to helping save our dying oceans and gives a portion of his proceeds to Oceana, an organization committed to protecting the world's oceans.
Crafting this gin from grain to bottle, they begin with a base of organic grain. This is fermented and distilled multiple times before gin production begins. The organic base spirit is steeped with Italian and local juniper from Big Sur. Other botanicals are suspended above the spirit during distillation including Sonoma Fir, Santa Cruz Mint, hand harvested Mendocino Coast Kombu, Baja Limes and even some fresh Almonds from the Central Valley. The result is something absolutely delicious and totally unique, but with a balance and familiarity that you'd expect from a great London Dry. The vibrant blue bottle is sure to turn heads, but it's the delicious flavor that's going to turn your glass upside down.
Collections: All American Gin Gin Spirits
Bottle Size: All bottles are 750ML unless otherwise noted.
21 and Over: Adult Signature Required
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