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40% ABV, 750 ml
This product is reminiscent of the old-fashioned way of making tequila, with intense aromas and flavors, highlights of cooked agave, hints of citrus like grapefruit, and fruity notes like apple and canteloupe. Spicy notes include clove and anise.
Recommended pairing: Ideal for dinking by itself, as an aperitif or digestif. It is recommended paired with light foods like fish, seafood, or chicken, although its intensity also mixes well with complex flavors.
Master Jimador: Alfredo Salcido
Master Distiller: Guadalupe Ramirez
Collections: Additive Free TEQUILA All Spirits Tequila Tequila Blanco
Bottle Size: All bottles are 750ML unless otherwise noted.
21 and Over: Adult Signature Required
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