40% ABV, 750 ml
This exceptional 21-Year-Old blend was co-created by Richard Quinn and Royal Salute Master Blender, Sandy Hyslop, during an experimental blending session in Strathisla Distillery, in Scotland. Hand-selecting a range of the finest Scotch whiskies from Braeval, Strathisla and Caperdonich distilleries, together Richard and Sandy crafted a rich, fruity whisky with hints of spice and soft smoke. A reflection of Richard’s personal palate, the blend is balanced and opulent with a remarkable depth of flavor and a lingering finish.
"Not exactly a new whisky for the Jubilee, just a new pack, but it’s a good enough excuse to have a look at this top-end blend. Great maturity with masses of orchard fruits and a hint of passion fruit as well. The oak is rounded and supple while with water a banana note is released. Thick and chewy, with more grip than suggested on the nose and a little nut on the finish. Great blending." 90 points, Whisky Advocate
Collections: All Blended Scotch Whisky Spirits Whiskey
Bottle Size: All bottles are 750ML unless otherwise noted.
21 and Over: Adult Signature Required
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