40% ABV, 750 ml
The perfect balance between two distillations with different intensities and flavor-aroma profiles. SEÑORÍO JOVEN is born from the passion, knowledge, work, and heritage of the Oaxacan tradition. Pure smooth smoked espadín agave flavor.
Two Distillations
With different intensities and flavor-aroma profiles
Perfect Balance
Between smooth smoked notes and pure agave flavor
AGAVE TYPE: Agave Espadín.
TASTE: Herbal and citric notes. Smoked tones.
Aroma: Citric shades from lime and grapefruit, mint, hints of field flowers, olives, and smoked tones.
Collections: All MEZCAL Mezcal Espadin Spirits
Bottle Size: All bottles are 750ML unless otherwise noted.
21 and Over: Adult Signature Required
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