40% ABV, 750 ml
"Rey Supremo Tequila Añejo Gran Reserve is a rich and complex spirit filled with dominating notes of charred agave on the nose. The palate is has fruity notes, mingled with powerful hints of oak and vanilla. On the finish, you'll notice faint aromas of smoke with a warm and luscious mouthfeel that leaves the sweet taste of caramel on the backend of the palate.
Rey Supremo Tequila Añejo Gran Reserve is unique spirit matured eighteen months in white oak barrels which enhance the flavor of the cooked agave and breathes life into it. This tequila is crafted with agave that has been aged from 7 to 10 years and cooked “the old fashioned way” in stone ovens. It is then twice distilled and aged a minimum of twelve months in oak casks, before being bottled at 40% ABV. "
Bottle Size: All bottles are 750ML unless otherwise noted.
21 and Over: Adult Signature Required
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